Friday, January 26, 2024

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Gus is joined by Catholic author Patrick O'Hearn who calls in to talk about his new book, "The Grief of Dads: Support and Hope for Catholic Fathers Navigating Child Loss," which he co-authored with Bryan Feger and is available from Ava Maria Press. The book uses examples of Scripture where fathers deal with the loss of a child, as well as from their own experiences and those of seven men they interviewed for the book. It's an invaluable resource for any father trying to get through this unspeakable grief.
Later, Gus does his weekly Friday w/the Fathers segment, but mixes it up a little bit. He doesn't read and reflect from the early Church fathers featured in William A. Jurgens' three-volume set, "Faith of the Early Fathers." Instead he reads excerpts from St. Francis de Sales' spiritual classic, "Introduction to the Devout Life," first published in 1609. We celebrated St. Francis' feast day on January 24th.
And, it's the final Friday of the month, so Gus prays an Intentional Rosary with listeners for his Prayer Time segment.


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